Pënz (it’s pronounced pants) tiles are slowly infiltrating the globe. You may be in California or Alabama, Ireland or Morocco or Hawaii, Australia, Spain or France, on the Q train, on the Tube, or walking the trails at Lady Bird Lake and find yourself face to face with a tile.
That tile may have nothing on it but a label with our web address. It may or may not have a ribbon or a bow.It may be wrapped in instructions:
write draw paint feel do create love think paste sculpt change print write draw paint feel do create love think paste sculpt change print write draw paint feel do
Step 1: Make something with this tile.
Step 2: Take a photo of it. With a camera. With your phone. With a Polaroid.
Step 3: Email it to penz2813@gmail.com
Step 4: Know you are loved.
If you find a Pënz tile do you have to create something? No. We believe in freedom. But wow, we'd really be jazzed if ya did. Or gave it to someone who did.
What day is it? What time of day?Are you a MORNING person? Is NOON your time? Do you love TWILIGHT? Perhaps you're more of a NIGHT owl. Get in where you fit in.
by Wura Natasha Ogunji"Belongings" was winner of the Pënz Black Art Poll by a margin of 2-1!!
left booty cheek and right?
no. that can't have been what u meant ... ;-)
exactly...and i'm thinking of that red spandex booty...when was that posted??!!
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